The History of Trinity Lutheran Church Okmulgee
The Beginnings of Trinity
The 1910 move of the W. F. Meineke Family, Lutherans from Ohio, to a farm near Boynton, Oklahoma marked the beginning of a Lutheran Church in the Okmulgee area.
Worship Services were held in the homes of different families in the Boynton Community. In 1913 or 1914, services began in Morris, Oklahoma. The church suffered a setback during World War I as anti-German prejudices began to increase. With the “cooling” of these prejudices, worship services were held once again. First Lutheran Church was organized in 1924 and officially chartered under Rev. L. M. Theimer of Muskogee, Oklahoma. In 1930, Rev. E. Guebert served the congregation when the original Church property was bought from the Methodist Church at 14th and Oklahoma Street. In 1931, the name was officially changed to Trinity Lutheran Church and was listed as a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
During the ensuing years, the congregation expanded it’s ministry to include a Lutheran Day School with three teachers on it’s staff. The original teachers were Miss Peterson, Mr. Mueller, and Mr. Seimers. The school remained in opertaion unitl the spring of 1938.
The Rev. Alfred O. Fuerbringer, who would later become the President Concordia Teachers College (now Concordia University Nebraska) and of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis from 1953-1969, served as Trinity’s Pastor from 1934-1937. During his time serving at Trinity, his father, Ludwig Fuerbringer, preceded him as president of Concordia Seminary from 1931 to 1943.
The Rev. Alfred O. Fuerbringer
Rev. R. Raedeke served from 1937-1940; O. K. Hensel from 1940-1945; Rev. Arnold Ascbrenner form 1945-1949; Rev. Karl Frese from 1946-1949. During the year of 1949, Church records state the Mr. Edmund Bauer, as student from the Springfield Seminary, served as Student Pastor. Rev. Robert Hanebutt served from 1950-July 16, 1956. During this time, the first organ was dedicated on March 1, 1953. Mrs. Kenneth Brown dedicated the organ as the Organist and Rev. Walmar Frank of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma was the Guest Preacher. On November 7, 1954, Earl Street, W.S. Bogie, and Leonard Kurtz were appointed to look for a new church location. Rev. E. Kyle Kiefer accepted a call in 1957 and served until 1959.
The Congregation sold it’s original property on 14th and Oklahoma Street in 1957. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bogie purchased the present property on East Sixth Street that a new Church could be built. In the meantime, the congregation worshipped on the campus of Oklahoma A & M Technical College (now OSU-IT) in their Chapel while the new church was being completed. Mr. Harold E. Williams, a local architect, was contracted to design plans from the new structures. He designed a MidCentury Modern Church with influence of the Gothic Revival. Loans from the Oklahoma District Lutheran Church Extension Fund and the sacrificial gifts from the members made the erection of a new church, educational building, and parsonage possible. On October 5th, 1958, these aforementioned buildings were dedicated with thanksgiving and praise to God. The pews, of which are still present within the nave of Trinity, were constructed at the Oklahoma Penitentiary in McAlester by inmates.
The Baptismal Font at Trinity matches the Pulpit and the Chancel Chairs is original to the 1958 Church. However, the Silver bowl within the font is not original to the current font. The bowl is from the previous white washed, ornate Baptismal Font at the previous Church at 14th and Oklahoma. The bowl was made by a member, Oscar Remy, and was given in honor of a young member of the congregation that tragically passed in an accident. The inscription along the rim of the bow reads, “In Memoriam-David Dahr, July 9, 1941-May 4, 1948. A Member of Our Sunday School.”
Rev. Edwin Wolf arrived in Okmulgee in 1960 and served the congregation until 1965 when he accepted a call to San Antonio, Texas. In 1965, Rev. Rufus Young (1921-2006), graduate of the Springfield Seminary, accepted a call to Okmulgee from Shawnee. During his twelve years at Trinity, canvassing programs were under taken by Rev. Young and Oscar Dewey in the African American community in Okmulgee for students to attend Vacation Bible School. In 1974 the congregation celebrated its 50th Anniversary under the tagline “50 Years of Grace.” Rev. Young served until 1977 when he accepted a call to serve in Guthrie, Oklahoma.
Rev. Lawrence Boye was called to Trinity in 1978. During this time, the congregation bceame self-sufficent and no longer received Disctrict subsidy. A mid-week school for grades 3-8 was begun on Wednesdays after School. An organ was purchased at this time. In October of 1982, the “new” hymnal “Lutheran Worship” replaced “The Lutheran Hymnal” of 1945. A breakfast ministry was begun in 1983 to help the needy in the community. Rev Boye was called to start Trinity Lutheran Church, in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, in May of 1984.
Even in the midst of a vacancy, the congregation celebrated its 60th Anniversary and burned the mortgage to the Oklahoma District Extension Fund. Dr. Gerhardt Bode was the preacher for the Service. In 1984 Jerry Kassenbaum was called to serve Trinity. On January 18, 1990, Kassenbaum resigned from his position of Pastor at Trinity and also left the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
During the mid-1980’s Dr. Jerry Thorman, a member of Trinity, completed the Trinity Stained Glass Window and the Cross with Crown of Thorns above the Altar. The 22 by 2 foot window has 16 panels comprised of a total of 446 individual pieces of glass. The crown of thorns that hangs at the center of the cross is made of 700 horseshoe nails which have been brass plated. The project took four years to complete and was dedicated to the Glory of God by former Pastor of Trinity, Rev. Lawrance Boye in October 12, 1986.
In 1990, Trinity called new graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, Myles Schultz. He and his wife Sharon moved from Idaho. With his installation came a new five year vision statment of “Growing in Christ Together.”
Rev. Myles Schultz
Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church from 1990-2015. Rev. Myles Schultz served as first vice president from 2009 to 2015 and third vice president from 2006 to 2009. He was also a member of the Oklahoma District Board of Directors, the Evangelism Committee, and the Outdoor Ministry Advisory Committee.
In December of 1991, a new Advent Wreath and Processional Cross were given and dedicated in the memory of W. Carlisle Mabrey II. Around this time also, Forrest Johns and Ruth Landgraf made the custom paraments of Trinity. Forrest Johns designed the paraments and symbols that adorn them, while Ruth Landgraf sewed and produced them along with help from some of the other ladies of Trinity.
On August 22, 1993, an Ahlborn-Galanti Electric Organ was purchased at a cost of $14,700 and was paid for by memorials, donations, recital offerings, and a match grant by the Lutheran Brotherhood. A concert and German dinner were held on Reformation Day, 1993 to celebrate the new organ. Lonnie Liggitt was the recitalist. The event was so well attended by the community another concert was held in the spring of 1994.
July of 1995 saw the installation of faceted glass window, created by Loman Studios in Tulsa. The theme of the windows follows the seasons of the Church year. The “Birth of Jesus” and “Ascension” windows flanked the original entrance to the Nave but were moved upon completion of the new addition. The floor to ceiling height window that graces the south wall of the nave was designed by member, Mr. Forrest Johns. The window is entitled “Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.”
“Jesus Christ, the Light of the World”
Faceted Glass, designed by Forrest Johns
1998 saw the need for a new addition that would include a new narthex, fellowship hall, kitchen, restrooms, and classrooms. A remodel of the balcony was included in the plans. Architect Jim Mayer of Rogers, Arkansas, drew up plans and presented them to the congregation in the fall of 1999. Construction, which also included a new parking lot, began in 2000.
With the help of of Laborers for Christ, construction continued in 2000-2001. A transom window was purchased by Laborers for Christ for Trinity. The window, which depicts the Trinity, was installed on Easter, April 15, 2001. The new facilites were dedicate on September 30, 2001 with a Service of Praise and Celebration.
The Transom Window
Donated by Laborers for Christ in 2001
The new facilities were dedicate on September 30, 2001 with a Service of Praise and Celebration.
Construction of the Resurrection Memorial Bell Tower was begun in the fall of 2002. With Memorials in the names of Glenn William Doede, Dan Bobby Rowe, and Berwyn Franklin Henry, the tower fund was started. A donation from Kathy Rowe moved the plans forward and a bell was purchased in January 2003 and the electronic Carillon was ordered. The Bell is a 28-inch bronze Van Duzen forged in 1896 at the Van Duzen Foundry in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was purchased from Brosamer Bells in Brooklyn, Michigan. With the help of Jeff Schmeder, the steel fabrication began in the last week of January. The windows of the tower have a Luther’s Rose on the North side of the tower . The other three windows depict the Cross-logo of the LCMS. The cross that tops the tower brings it to a height of 48 feet. the Cross itself is 7 1/3 tall. On Good Friday, April 18, 2003, the final window secton was lifted into place and the Bell and Carillon rang for the first time at Easter Sunrise Service. The Resurrection Memorial Bell Tower was dedicated in a service on May 25, 2003.
With the Memorials and a gift of the Estate of Lurline Mabrey, the remaining Construction Mortgage was paid in December 2021. The Mortgage Burning Service was held during the Ascension Service on May 9, 2013. With many blessings from our Lord and Savior, Trinity Lutheran Church is now debt free.
In 2015, after serving Trinity faithfully for 25 years, Rev. Myles Schultz retired. His last service was on May 31, 2015. He and his wife retired to Holiday Island, Arkansas. Since then, Pr. Schultz was called out of retirement and serves as Pastor for Grace Lutheran Church in Holiday Island.
Rev. Dr. Christian C. Tiews was called to Trinity from Grace Lutheran Church in Tulsa. He was installed as Pastor on November 1st, 2015. He earned a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, (2009) and a Doctor of Ministry from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (2017). He has translated a number of theological works from German to English for Concordia Publishing House. Rev. Dr. Tiews and his wife Lula brought a new tradition to Okmulgee, Luther’s Oktoberfest. The Celebration is held on the last weekend of October every year to celebrate the Reformation. The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation was celebrated by Trinity in 2017. In 2021, Rev. Dr. Christian Tiews was called along with his wife, Lula, to serve as Missionaries for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK), the Synod’s partner church in Germany, to reach out to Farsi-speaking immigrants from the Middle East. In addition, he is a theological instructor in the English-language Bachelor of Theology program offered by the Luther Academy, Riga, Latvia, and a mentor of future pastors. He was installed as a missionary for the LCMS on Febuary 28, 2021 by Rev. Barrie Henke, then-President of the Oklahoma District. Pr. Tiews was gifted a stole by the members of Trinity that read in German “Der Herr ist mein Hirte,” which translated means “The LORD is my Shepherd.”
Rev. Dr. Christian C. Tiews
Pictured here during 2017 in front of the Wittenberg City Church doors, where Luther nailed his 95 Theses.
During Rev. Tiews’ time many improvements were made to Trinity in preparation for the 60th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church in 2018. New lighting was installed in to the Nave and Chancel. The roof was replaced and the boat-like ceiling of the Nave was sealed. A new electronic sign was purchased in 2015. Trinity became active on Facebook, Instagram, and it’s own website during this time. Trinity became a supporter of Issues, Etc., a worldwide internet podcast/radio show for Lutheran Catechesis. The Common cup also returned to Trinity after approximately 55 years.
Trinity Okmulgee is also home to a cremation cemetery. Located at the back of the Sanctuary, outside in the Church yard, the cemetery confesses the truth of the hope of the resurrection as we worship with those who are worshipping in the Church Triumphant. The cremation cemetery was dedicated on Easter in April of 2019. The first saint to be buried in the cemetery was Paul DeLisle, buried May 19, 2019.
Rev. Richard M. Dailey was called directly from Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne to serve Trinity. He was ordained in the Pastoral Office and installed at Trinity on June 20, 2021. Pastor Dailey moved to the country outside of Okmulgee with his wife Sarah, along with their 5 children.
Rev. Richard M. Dailey
Current Pastor of Trinity Okmulgee since 2021.
In November of 2022, a Johannus Opus 277 organ was installed and dedicated to the Glory of God. The new electric organ was purchased through the organ fund which received gifts from the congregation. The organ fund and search was headed by Mr. Hunter Remington and Mrs. Ruth Landgraf.
On February 18th, 2024, a new processional cross was “Made and Given in the Honor of Jerry and Jeannie Remington for Trinity Lutheran Church Okmulgee, to the Glory of God.” The Cross, made of oak, walnut, and smalti glass mosaic, was made by member and grandson of Jerry and Jeannie, Hunter Remington, in conjunction with the Center for Liturgical Art at Concordia University Nebraska. Paying homage to Forrest Johns, the cross was entitled “Light of Light.” The mosaic inlayed in the cross reflects the style of the faceted glass windows in the Sacristy of Trinity.
Trinity Lutheran Church Okmulgee celebrated it’s 100th Anniversary since its official chartering on August 18th, 2024. Current Pastor, Rev. Richard Dailey presided, former Pastor Rev. Myles Schultz preahced, member of Trinity Clayton Dodge, Vicar of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Garber, OK lectored. The Trinity Balcony Choir and the Trinity Children’s Choir sang during the service under the direction of Music Director, Hunter Remington.